Deepen Your Divine Connection

Our Family Tradition:

The art of emotional intelligence is a tradition passed down to me by my mother, and I am honored to carry on her beautiful legacy.

In my practice, I invest in people who are ready to surrender to the deepest love of their lives. This love is the love of the true self, and we nurture it alone or within a container of your most cherished relationship--which could be with a parent, a lover, a colleague, or with a friend.

There are no "problems" in relationship--only compasses to deeper understanding. We work to shift any energy that resists love into energy that welcomes it.

How I Work:

I use a combination of my years of Nonduality and Circling practices to help you slow your experience down, unpack what you're really feeling, and witness your experience and that of another through a lens of gratitude, wonder, and play.

We focus on practicing techniques like:

  • Communicating from the truth of your direct experience

  • Using touch to down-regulate triggering hormones

  • Separating our stories from our identities and intentions

My core belief is that all conflict is either 1) a miscommunication or 2) a plea to express something difficult. We create a brave space to find truth and clarity together.

What Clients Say:

"Corey's help has been massive. I don't think we would have reached this place in our relationship without his container"

Jes & Mau

Life Partners

"Corey was able to wrangle my monkey mind to discover sacred and precious parts of myself that I rarely acknowledge, which felt deeply healing."



"Corey trained us to be able to have hard conversations with ease. He's our company's most trusted advisor and coach."

Tim, Laura, & Dave

"Corey brought our communication to another level, making it easier to reach understanding and get back to the love we share."

Renata & Andrei
Life Partners


"The value of a relationship is in direct proportion to what you invest in the relationship." — Brian Tracy

There are three currencies that I ask of you to work with me, in this order of importance:

1. COURAGE & TRUST. I ask that show up prepared to challenge your stories, explore your edges, be vulnerable, and trust me to hold a brave space for you.

2. TIME & ENERGY. I ask that you bring your full undistracted self, having been attentive to good sleep and self care to maximize your internal resources going into our work.

3. RECOGNITION OF VALUE. I work purely on a donation basis. I am serious about that. If you are committed to giving your full courage, trust, time, & energy--I will not turn you away for lack of funds. I do this work primarily to express what I consider to be my greatest gift in this life. Sharing your financial resources with me allows me to open more of my schedule to this type of work and inspires me to invest even more in you. I trust you to evaluate your economic situation, the value of what you will be receiving, and determine the most equitable exchange for your circumstances at the end of each session. 

Generally my clients offer $100-250/session, a general framework you can consider is:

  • $100 pays for my basic expenses to do this work, but none of my time. Those with limited discretionary spending fall in this range. 
  • $175 pays for my basic expenses and some of my time. Those with some discretionary income generally fall in this range.  
  • $250 pays a comparable market exchange. If discretionary spending is abundant, this range would be most aligned. 

Venmo is @moneyfromme, or Paypal is coreyhuntercontact [at]

First time is free, on me:

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